E-Governance in Palestine and the MENA region (INDIGO) Project

Overall Project Objective:

The overall objective is to develop and pilot eight digital municipal services that were designed with citizens. This objective shall be achieved by building the capacity and training students and faculty supervisors on human-centered design principles and approaches, to enable them to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment in the targeted municipalities related to the challenges they want to resolve. The inclusive digital solutions will be developed by the students to support municipal services and public participation, which utilizing existing GIS capabilities in the country. The students, under the university, will provide the needed capacity building and documents to the municipality to operationalize the developed solute ons, as well as support the municipalities to promote the solutions to the public.

Specific Objectives:

The proposed project has the following specific objectives:

  1. Students have improved digital skills and can apply human-centered design approach to develop digital services.
  2. Citizens, including marginalized groups, were involved in the design and/or redesign of online services at selected municipalities.
  3. Digital and inclusive services developed with users are available in selected municipalities and are used by citizens.