E-Governance in Palestine and the MENA region (INDIGO) Project

Selected Problems

The process of selecting projects ideas depends on grouping all the problems of one scope and for which a smart solution can be applied. The first 4 projects were completed in the first semester (Aug 2021 – Jan 2022), and their solutions were designed according to the human-centered design approach to serve the users in the best possible way.

The first four problems in each of the selected municipalities were chosen as follows: The Roads and Transportation Sector was selected in the Municipality of Nablus, where the municipality suffers from major transportation problems and traffic crises, while the public services sector was selected in Tulkarm, which has many problems in communicating with citizens and has a bad relationship with them. The water sector was chosen in Jammain, as it has a growing population and industrial activities that require a large amount of water, which requires for the process of water management in a smart spatial manner. Finally, the planning and regulation sector was chosen in Jenin, which has many organizational problems and irregularities that need to be resolved by taking citizens into account. With regard to the projects of the second semester (Jan 2022 – June 2022), the selection for the remaining four projects began, taking into account the non-repetition of the ideas of the projects of the first semester and searching for new ideas, while working to achieve diversity in the sectors that were selected and the nature of the problems.

The four problems related to the second semester in each of the municipalities of Nablus, Tulkarm, Jammain were selected as follows: The Roads and Transportation Sector was selected in the Jammain municipality, as the municipality suffers from road problems and the condition of the streets is poor due to several reasons. The Waste and Environment sector was selected in Nablus which has accumulations of waste as a result of the huge economic bodies and activities in the city, at the same time, the public services sector was also chosen in Nablus, as the municipality is going to transfer its services electronically and therefore this project will help the municipality in building the system in addition to improving the quality of services provided to the public and improving communication with them. Eventually, the electricity sector was chosen in Tulkarm, which has many problems in supplying electricity due to the lack of available electric capacity, and therefore it needs a system that achieves efficiency in distribution and utilization of the available electric capacity.