E-Governance in Palestine and the MENA region (INDIGO) Project



  • Mohammad Al Bzoor / Computer Engineering
  • Waleed Saleh / Computer Engineering
  • Amani Yaseen / Urban Planning Engineering
  • Malak Hawashin / Urban Planning Engineering


The problem of shortage of knowledge and awareness about land management, buildings organization and regulations in the city of Jenin.


Smart application based on artificial intelligence technologies which works on solutions for organizational problems in the municipality through supporting municipal staff in managing and regulating lands and services, managing violations, improving the organization process, and providing organized spatial data. In addition to increasing the awareness of people about their properties and regulations.


The municipalities Engineering sector gets a lot of questions from citizens who don’t understand the buildings regulations, after some research it was found that Palestine’s buildings regulations and getting in contact with the municipality are troublesome and very confusing for the citizens. An app that solves the problems from the citizens and the engineers perspective was needed, so we tried to take many approaches to solve this problem based on human centered design, the first ”Dream” approach was to make an AR app that shows the users a live representation that could be interacted with, but this approach didn’t see the light because of technical issues and the immaturity of the AR tech, so another approach of building an easy to use map application that the user could interact with and use the same app to get in contact with the municipality was the one taken. The app makes the users less likely to contact the engineers for questions so making them do more things with their time, and it also makes the citizens have all the answers to their most common questions easily, reliably and at any time.