E-Governance in Palestine and the MENA region (INDIGO) Project



  • Abdul-Rahman Jaber / Computer Engineering
  • Abdul-Rahman Abu Azizah / Computer Engineering
  • Muath Odeh / Urban Planning Engineering
  • Amani Salem / Urban Planning Engineering
  • Hala Shahkshir / Urban Planning Engineering


Traffic crisis and high traffic volume around An-Najah National University area (New Campus area)/Nablus.


Mobile application that engages students and drivers of public transport in solving the problem and organizing the process of coming and leaving from and to the university, which contributes to alleviating the traffic crisis and the random movement of cars in NNU new campus area.


An-Najah National University lies on the western entrance of the Nablus city. This entrance is considered as the most important one, which a lot of the people came from western Governorates to Nablus from it. Therefore, the area around the An-Najah National University suffers from the high traffic jam, which leads the students to arrive late to the university. In addition, the students spend a lot of time waiting for the transportation when they left the university.

Our solution is an online taxi booking mobile application designed based on human centered design approach. That welcomes both Students and taxi drivers. Where a student can see the available taxis on a map, know the distance and time to reach the gates of the university, choose the destination, choose the type of the car and know the price, chatting with the taxi driver, also he can see the location In real time of the confirmed taxi and know how much time it needs to arrive.

Now let’s move on the taxi driver. The taxi driver can see the orders that assigned to him using smart algorithm, accept or reject the orders, put himself available or not, see the final destination of students that are booked with him, report a traffic jam to warn other drivers, and see how much distance and money he makes in a day.

Also, there is an admin page that are responsible for accepting the registered drivers, opening or closing the gates of the university, changing the price of the taxis. The smart algorithm that we used categorize the students based on closest destination, which save the time and allow the taxi driver to take more orders. The idea of booking taxis through application is not new globally. But in Palestine it has never be applied. Nor be combined with smart algorithm to put people with closest destination together.